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Playing With the Drummer Page 17

  Rocky had been open and candid about his experience, allowing her to ask the tough questions when she would have thrown him a soft ball. They’d gone over the ones she would ask, and he’d insisted that she conduct it like any other interview. He hadn’t been a pushover, answering what he wanted and refusing to comment on ones he felt exposed too much about his mother.

  “Thank you,” she murmured against his lips as he fumbled with the lock on the door to his room.

  “I’d do anything for you. You know that.” He gave a little cry of triumph as the stupid signal finally turned green. He shoved the door open, and they both stumbled inside, letting the big slab of wood slam behind them. They both kicked off their shoes, lurching over to the bed and falling down onto it in a tangle of arms, legs, mouths, and tongues.

  Rocky pulled her down on top of him, his fingers weaving through her hair in a tight tug as he took her mouth deeply. No slow build-up; this was their time to reconnect, to solidify the words spoken.

  She opened to his demand, allowing him to sweep in with his tongue and claim her. But she wasn’t passive; her hands were traveling over his body, tracing the bulging line of his bicep, the straining muscles of his back under his T-shirt, the place where his hair curled over his neck, and the skin was hot and smooth.

  His kisses set her on fire and on edge, moving her to crawl over and straddle his hips, giving her the angle of looking down on him as he sprawled on the seat. Rocky’s eyes were dark, pupils blown with his desire, lips red and slightly swollen. He was so deliciously fuckable—sweet and surly wrapped up in a tight, hot package.

  She smiled down at him, a slow one that he reciprocated.

  “What?” he asked, his voice as dark and smooth as her favorite chocolate.

  Lita pressed a hand to his chest, teasing his nipple through the cotton fabric and then trailing it lower, over tight abs and his belt buckle to grasp the hardness of his erection through the denim. “Fuck me like you love me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  His words said he was all sweetness and light, but the feral grin and bruising grip on her hips told her otherwise.

  This was not the luxurious time they would take later, but a frantic blending of tongues and panting breaths, fingers fumbling with belts and zippers and impatient hands ripping off very expensive underwear. Rocky produced protection from somewhere as if he had a direct line to the condom fairy, and then he was there. Inside her. Filling her. Stroking her with his hard cock and bringing her closer and closer to that moment when they were one, and the whole world collapsed into nothing except for the cocoon where they lived and breathed for each other.

  Lita rode him hard, soaking in every groan and memorizing every shift of emotion on his face. Desire, wonder, possession, love— every one of them mirrored on her own and filling her heart. They came together, her cry loud as her orgasm took her by surprise. He watched her through it, only letting go when she opened her eyes and connected with his.

  Rocky coming was a gorgeous thing, a work of art really. Her own personal exhibition she was going to get to see for the rest of her life. She rested her cheek against his chest, counting his heartbeats as they slowed down to a normal rhythm, in time with the gentle caress of his hand along her back. He pressed a kiss against her hair and another against her temple.

  “Marry me.”

  “What?” She sat up, looking down into his face, wondering if she’d heard what she thought she heard.

  “Marry me.” His smile was lazy, indulgent, as if he was willing to give her all the time in the world to catch up. But she didn’t need time; everything in her body screamed the answer in unison.


  Rocky leaned up, a firm hand at her neck to hold her in place while he kissed her deeply. When he surfaced for air, his eyes twinkled with challenge. “Now. As soon as possible”

  “You want to elope to Vegas?” Funny, she’d never thought about it, but it did have its appeal. And if it was good enough for Elvis, it was good enough for her.

  He shook his head. “No. Now. Tomorrow. At the estate. There’s a whole wedding planned and just waiting for us.”

  “You just want to avoid planning a wedding. This whole thing scare you off that badly?” She didn’t care, and if the answer was yes, that was okay with her. Honestly, after watching the Callie and Jake fiasco, she saw the appeal of taking off and doing it privately and with little fuss.

  “No. I just don’t want to waste one more minute like we did the last four years. Lita, you’re it for me, and that is never going to change.” He sat up, bringing her hand to his mouth for a kiss. “If you want to wait and plan a big wedding, I’m cool with it, but I would love to make you mine under the big sky we both love and escape to the lake house together. That’s all I want.”

  How could she deny him this when he gave her the words and the look that told her that every one of them was true. Becoming Rocky’s forever under the big blue sky, and within site of his lake house, sounded perfect.

  “Yes. Yes.” She nodded happily, not even trying to stop the giggle that bubbled up and out. Had she ever been this happy? Never. Only with this man.

  “Yeah?” Rocky grinned full on with lots of teeth and joy uncontained as he reached for his phone. He hit the speed dial for Dash who picked up on the first ring. “Hey, buddy? Tell Sydney to keep the lobster on ice. Lita and I are going to need them.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Sometimes, it really paid off to have a former supermodel for a mother.

  Lita stood in front of the floor-length mirror in the suite at the Harris Estate, seeing her reflection, but almost unable to believe it was really her staring back. Her mother had moved heaven, Earth, the Hollywood sign, and a couple of fashion runways, to get this dress here in time for the wedding, and she’d never been so grateful for the privilege of being the daughter of Hollywood’s elite.

  The gown—an original from one her favorites Italian designers—was a dream dress of epic proportions. The pale, champagne silk was cut low in front and tight in the bodice with an intricate design of embroidery and shimmering beads. It was form-fitting in the waist and hips, and then flared into a skirt of silk organza, which spilled into a long train. But the part that would bring Rocky to his knees was the back of the dress—or the lack of it. Delicate-as-smoke straps on her shoulders were the only things you saw from that rear view until the wisp of silk re-appeared just far enough above the curve of her ass to save the dress from being indecent.

  He’d told her she was sex bound up in the prettiest package, and this dress would make him ache to unwrap her the first chance he got.

  “What’s that smile all about?” Lori asked over her shoulder, catching her eye in the mirror. “Wait. Let me guess.” Lita could feel the heat of the tiniest blush creep into her cheeks as she watched her maid of honor pretend to think about the question with the tap of her finger against her lips. When Lori’s eyes lit up with wicked mischief, she couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped. “I think we might be thinking of how quickly Rocky is going to get this off you tonight.”

  “I would be surprised if he waited that long,” Lita’s mother, Estrella, called out from a few steps away where she was fussing with the veil.


  “Don’t mom me.” She grinned as she came up behind her and fastened on the sheer, silk veil. Rocky liked her hair down, so she’d compromised on her style, the relaxed, low bun barely containing the loose curls that framed her face. “The way that man looks at you… it’s like he wants to eat you alive. It makes your father crazy, but I know you’ll have a good sex life, and that’s important for a happy marriage.”

  “I don’t need the birds and bees talk, Mom.”

  “Hey, I want to hear the talk,” Lori said. “I seriously need to hear the talk.”

  “No, you don’t. That man of yours keeps you satisfied,” her mother stated as she adjusted the headpiece, and then stepping back and crossing her arms in satisfaction a
t what she saw. She glanced between the two of them, pulling them both into a quick hug before continuing. “You are both blessed to have men who love you, who want you, who need you. It is a rare thing to possess. Cherish it.”

  Lita choked back tears as she flung herself at her mother, her eyes burning with the emotion that tightened her chest. This was all happening so fast; she needed a moment to anchor herself in what was about to happen. Her father thought she was crazy, he hadn’t said anything much except to mutter that she was just like her mother sometimes, and maybe he was right? Were they making a mistake? Caught up in the happiness of finding each other and finally having someone who was there for them and nothing else?

  A knock at the door made her mother jump a little, a soft laugh escaping her lips as she squeezed Lita and Lori headed for the door.

  “Who is it?”


  Lita started forward even before the thought occurred to her, every bit of nerves vanishing at the sound of his voice.

  “Lita, it’s bad luck for him to see you before the ceremony,” her mother said as she held onto her arm.

  “I won’t let him see me,” she said and moved toward the door. She opened it a crack to stick her hand through the opening. Rocky’s large, warm fingers grasped her own, giving her emotions a ground. “Hey.”


  She leaned her forehead against the cool wood, feeling the counterweight of his own as he leaned against his side of the door.

  “Are you doing okay?” His voice was low, that dark intimate tone he used only with her, all traces of wariness absent.

  “I’m scared to death.”

  Rocky huffed out a laugh, the door shaking with his movement. “Shit. Me, too.”

  “Yeah?” She took a breath and asked the next, obvious question. “Too scared to go through with it?”

  “Fuck no.” His hand slipped farther inside the door. It was his left hand, the ring finger bare, and she had an irrational urge to cover it with the circlet of gold, currently in Lori’s possession. “The only thing that scares me more than getting up in front of people and reciting vows is the thought that you won’t marry me.”

  “I said yes. I meant it. Always will.”

  “As long as I’ve got you, baby, I’m good.”

  “You’ve got me.”

  The sound he made was somewhere between a sigh and a laugh. “I’ve got something for you. If you do that blue and borrowed thing.”

  “Something old. Something new. Something borrowed. Something blue.”

  “I guess this would be old then. I want you to have it so it won’t fit the borrowed line.”

  Rocky let go of her hand, and Lita watched as it reappeared around the door, a gold chain dangling from his fingers. She took it, letting the chain extend to its full length, the mother-of-pearl cross and blue lapis lazuli beads decorating the metal links.

  “It was my mother’s rosary. She didn’t have much that was nice, but this meant a lot to her.” He cleared his throat of the emotion dampening his words. “I know she would want you to have it.”

  “I love it.” Lita held the chain closer, the details of the cross were worn in some places, rubbed smooth by his mom, praying for the lover she could not save from himself. Praying for a better life for Rocky.

  I’ll make sure he gets that life. I promise.

  “Thank you, baby.”

  “I’ve got to go. It’s almost show time.” He pulled her hand through the door opening and pressed a kiss on her wrist.

  “You’re going to love this dress.”

  “I bet I’m really going to love seeing it on the floor tonight.” He bit lightly on her skin before she pulled it back with a laugh.

  “I told you!” her mother called out behind her as she closed the door.


  He was so fucking ready.

  This was the moment before he went out on stage in front of thousands of fans and sat behind his drum kit. This was the moment when he first touched the guitar and the notes of a new song hovered in the air.

  This was better.

  “You ready, brother?” Dash whispered in his ear as they stood at the altar on the edge of Echo Lake.

  Lita, for all her Hollywood fashionista and décor focus, had dismissed the idea of marrying in the large room of the mansion with the elegant soaring ceiling. No, she wanted them to stand together under the sky, the entire universe a spectator to the promises they would make to each other. Not only the people gathered here, but nature and the distant stars would serve as witnesses to a bond that could not be broken.

  “Never been more ready for anything in my life.”

  Dash leaned forward, examining his face, a grin breaking out with what he saw there.

  “You don’t have one doubt about what you’re doing, do you?”

  “Nope. She’s it for me. Has been since I met her in that crappy bar four years ago and spent three days in bed together.” He smiled and winked at the Justice of the Peace whose eyebrows shot up at that new revelation. Poor guy, he’d been shanghaied into this ceremony by the same phone call that had gotten the waiting period for the marriage license waived. Sometimes, it was handy to have a sitting vice president’s oldest daughter as one of your biggest fans. “I never thanked you for that, by the way.”

  “Me? What did I do?”

  “If you hadn’t done a runner, I would have never gone to Mexico, and I might never have met Lita.”

  “You’re delusional.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  The wedding planner appeared just to their left, and she signaled for Laz to begin playing the guitar, and the sweet sounds of an old familiar tune drifted out on the breeze. Estrella appeared, unescorted as was her preference, and glided down the aisle and slid into her seat. Lori was next, gorgeous and eyes locked on Dash as she made her way to the front where she stopped to face back to where she’d come.

  A rustle of guests on the back row, a murmur of appreciation, and they all stood, temporarily blocking his view.

  And then she was there.

  Lita. More beautiful than anything he’d ever seen in his life and gazing at him as if he were the only important thing on this planet. The dress was gorgeous, but all he could see was her and the look of utter trust, desire, and love in her eyes. If he hadn’t been sure before, he was now. How would it feel to have her look at him everyday like that?

  It was a benediction, a blessing that he could never live up to, but he’d spend each fucking day trying to justify her faith in him. In them.

  Lita stopped in front of him, and it was all a blur. Her stunned father kissing her cheek and then shaking his hand. Lita handing her flowers to Lori and turning to face him once again. There was only one thing he could do, and so he did it.

  He kissed her.

  His hands spanned her waist and pulled her close as her mouth opened to him on a gasp of surprise, and he took full advantage. He poured everything into that kiss, and when Lita wrapped her arms around his neck and returned it with full passion, the guests erupted into applause.

  Breathless, he pulled back, grinning as Dash and Laz punctuated the clapping with loud wolf whistles.

  “Sorry, I had to do that.”

  “Anytime.” Lita winked at him, her laughter continuing as she took a step out of his arms and smoothed out her dress.

  “Ladies and gentlemen.” The Justice of the Peace spoke loudly over the murmurs of the crowd as they settled in their seats. “We are here to witness the marriage of Cesar Luciano Anthony Cardano and Rosalita Selena Matthews.” He smiled and motioned for them to join hands. “Rocky and Lita, I understand that you have written your own vows. Please recite them now to seal your promise of marriage.”

  Rocky squeezed her hand, looking into her eyes as he began. “Lita, I pick you. There are millions of souls in this world, but I know you are the one that I am meant to walk this life with. You are the one that makes me whole, that brin
gs me peace and happiness.” He tightened his grip on her hand and gently tugged her closer. “I see you. All the good and all the bad. I see your hopes and your fears, your doubts and your fierce determination. I promise to always let you see me. The real me. No disguise, no hiding. Only honesty and truth.”

  He’d practiced this a million times in the last day, and his voice had always caught at the next part, but now it was clear. “I want you. Only you. I want you sleeping beside me at night and walking with me by day. I want to build a life with you, make a home, and have children. I want you to be happy, fulfilled, and free to be yourself in this world we create. The two of us. Forever.”

  Lita smiled at him, ignoring the tear that slid down her cheek. He reached out and swiped it away, letting his touch linger on her soft skin as she began to speak.

  “Rocky, I pick you. I choose you as my companion, my best friend, and my lover. You are the one who brings me joy, who makes me strive to be better. I am incomplete without you, and I never want a day to pass when I am less than everything to you.” She reached up and clasped the hand on her cheek and pulled it to her lips for a warm kiss. “I see you. I see the gentle, kind man inside of you who takes care of everyone else first. I am honored that you will let me be the one who takes care of you. I promise to always let you see me. The real me. The honest me. No hiding. Only honesty and trust between us.” And then she moved forward, raising both her hands to cradle his face, the intensity in her eyes searing him to his core. He lit up from within as if she branded him with her mark deep inside, at an elemental level. “I want you. Only you. I want to be your wife, the mother of your children, the heart that is your home. And I want you to be happy. I want you to be safe in our love, never doubting that you are my life, and that this bond between us is forever.”

  And then it was done. He barely heard what the judge said, the pounding of his heart almost drowning him out, but he was able to catch the most important part.

  “By the power vested in my by the State of Montana, I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The man smiled at them both, his gaze pinging back and forth, his expression expectant as he winked. “You may kiss your bride…again.”